About me

I’m Electronics Engineer with 20+ years of experience in embedded systems. I also hold a Master Degree in Digital Signal Processing. I received both titles for the National University of México, UNAM.

Besides being a paid developer, I’m also professor at UNAM’s Engineering Faculty, teaching mainly programming subjects: Object Oriented Programming, C++, and Data Structures and Algorithms.

Central Library, UNAM at Ciudad Universitaria. I gave myself permission to post the picture.

I live in Mexico City and my mother tongue is spanish, and I do my best to write well english, so be kind with my mistakes.

Sunset in Mexico City from my place.

I love teaching, writing, programming, hardware development, photography and playing piano. I cannot focus in one project for a long, that’s way it sometimes takes me a while to write a new post. I have a saying of my own:

Pursue your objectives ‘til you reach them … or you get bored and it’s time to start a new one.


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